Title IX Information » Title IX Information

Title IX Information

It is the policy of the WSWHE BOCES to provide a learning and working environment that is safe, welcoming and free from discrimination on the basis of sex. Title IX requires the school district not to discriminate.
Equal opportunity and non-discrimination statements
Non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy (Policy 5165)
Visit the WSWHE BOCES Board Policies page and search for Policy 5165 - Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment in the BOCES
Reports of sexual harassment can be made at any time, including during non-business hours using the telephone number or email address, or by mailing to the office address listed for the for the Title IX Coordinator.
Training materials for Title IX members
In compliance with section 106.45 of Title IX, we have included a link to all materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process in Title IX compliance and practices for the district. View the Title IX training materials by clicking here.
Title IX Coordinators:
Primary Title IX Coordinator:
Secondary Title IX Coordinator:
Mailing Address:
Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES
267 Ballard Road, Suite 5
Wilton, NY 12831
Phone: 518-581-3372