Facilities Project » FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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How does this project benefit component districts?

WSWHE BOCES provides programs and services to school districts throughout the region which save local school districts funds. This project develops new, cutting edge, energy-efficient WSWHE BOCES facilities, ensuring the organization can continue delivering programs and services in a cost-effective manner for future generations of students.

Why do we need a facilities project?

Enrollment in our Exceptional Learners Division (ELD) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs continues to increase. 

The National Center for Education Statistics found about 15 percent of all public school students received special education services in the 2022-23 school year. Among children ages six and older, special education enrollment continues to rise, impacting local school districts, which have engaged WSWHE BOCES for additional services and space.  

One of the key components of the facilities project includes CTE. The demand for CTE programs is high and continues to grow. Students, along with parents, recognize the value of career and technical education courses. With the changes in our local economy, more students are looking ahead to their future and realize they want and need CTE courses. 

WSWHE BOCES has been proactive in attempting to meet the need and demand for CTE classes and providing real-world experiences and skills that translate into a job right out of high school or making a student more qualified with the essential skills, knowledge, and attributes needed for success in college and career. New learning spaces will increase WSWHE BOCES ability to provide CTE to more students in a cutting edge, world-class, purpose-built facility. 

This future focused facilities project will play an important role in enhancing our programs, supporting the education of our students and contributing to workforce development for the region.

COST: $96 million (estimated)*

ANTICIPATED TIMELINE: Construction will begin in Fall 2025 (pending NYSED approval) and will be substantially complete by June 2027. We expect to welcome students to the new facility in Fall 2027.

View the VISION 2027: Future-Focused Facilities Project Overview here!

Key project attributes

  • 20 year lease for new construction
  • 3 buildings on a 25 acre site (ELD K-6, ELD 7-12, CTE)
  • Total square footage: approximately 290,000  
  • All instructional programs on one campus
  • Located within 1 mile of I-87, exit 16
  • Enhanced educational settings
  • Cutting edge labs/shops
  • Design features to bring ELD classrooms close to counselors and service providers 
  • High-priority security features
  • Safe learning environments

Who benefits from the project?

Students from 31 component school districts in five counties will have expanded access to ELD and CTE programs. WSWHE BOCES has waitlists and struggles to meet current demand. Additional space will allow more students to take advantage of our programs. New programming will also be possible. 

What would the facilities project do?

The last major construction project at WSWHE BOCES was when the Southern Adirondack Education Center was completed in 1973. This is an extraordinary opportunity to develop one main campus and bring our organization into the future by transforming how and where WSWHE BOCES students learn. The new facilities will reflect the environment of today's workplaces and educational settings. This will equip our students for success, both educationally and in their adult lives. One new single site will provide efficiencies in operations, room to accommodate more students and develop new in-demand programs. 

How does the proposed project support instruction?

By listening to WSWHE BOCES instructors and administrators and then incorporating many of their suggestions, the project will improve learning environments across all programs.  

Why was the decision made to lease? 

The 2024 Building Condition Survey conducted by BCA Architects & Engineers identified $80.3 million of work needed for existing facilities over the next 5-8 years. Issues include roofing, HVAC system, electrical, fire alarm systems, carbon monoxide detectors, exterior doors/facade, bathrooms and flooring, in addition to other upgrades needed to keep programs running and up to date with industry standards. To build a new WSWHE BOCES owned facility to meet all of WSWHE BOCES instructional needs would cost $160 million. A 20-year lease for a new building, on the other hand, would be an estimated $96 million. Given WSWHE BOCES budget and funding options, a single-site long-term new building lease is the most cost effective solution. It also offers the opportunity for the instructional site to be in close proximity to centralized administration (moving to the conference center in June 2025) and the School Support Services division. 

How was the project site selected?

A facilities committee which includes superintendents from Whitehall, Glens Falls, Bolton, Warrensburg, Johnsburg, South Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs, and Hudson Falls, WSWHE BOCES staff and board members reviewed options that would fit the needs of all 31 districts. 

Was transportation a key consideration?

Yes – We selected a site off Exit 16 of I-87 for its accessibility, offering comparable travel times to our current Hudson Falls location for many northern districts. Superintendents have noted that this location is easier to navigate, particularly when traveling to other program sites like SSTLC and Ballard Elementary, which many districts already access. When considering both ELD and CTE programs, a centralized location off Exit 16 provides significant logistical benefits. While the travel time to Exit 16 may appear slightly longer for some districts, the overall advantages outweigh this. Currently, transportation challenges force districts to adjust schedules, leading to students leaving programs early or arriving before start times. A centralized site at Exit 16 would reduce these disruptions, allowing students to fully participate in their programs and streamlining transportation logistics for districts managing multiple program sites.

With energy prices climbing, does this project incorporate sustainable and energy savings elements?

Yes – The new construction will feature energy-efficient materials and systems, with additional opportunities for sustainability incorporated as the project progresses.

What other organizations are involved in the project?

  • CIDC (Community Initiatives Development Corporation): A non-profit organization that procured the land for the project and holds the lease.
  • Developer: Columbia Development Companies.
  • Builder: BBL Construction.

What is the financial impact on this project?

The estimated cost of the project is $96 million, which will be paid over a 20-year period, and will be shared by the 31 component districts that make up the WSWHE BOCES Supervisory District. Each district’s share of the cost is determined by the number of students that reside in that particular district compared to the other component school districts. This is referred to as Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA).

How will the project be funded?

The annual costs associated with the project will be largely funded through the capital and lease portion of the WSWHE BOCES annual operating budget. These costs are shared proportionately by the 31 component districts, as described above. Districts who qualify under the state aid formula will receive BOCES aid to offset their share of the project. The project is intended to be offset additionally by the potential sale of existing property (public vote required for sale), grant funds, and other sources, in cooperation with our community partners.

When would work on the project start?

Construction will start in Fall 2025 (pending NYSED approval) and will be completed in phases with an expected opening in the Fall of 2027. 

Will programs, students and staff be impacted during the implementation of the project?

SInce all operations will be at a new site, there will be minimal disruption for students and staff. We will be working on transition plans to open our new facility in Fall 2027. 

What will happen to the current buildings after the project is completed? 

The Sanford Street Teaching and Learning Center in Glens Falls is a leased space and will remain with the Glens Falls City School District. Once the new center is fully operational, the F. Donald Myers Education Center in Saratoga Springs and Southern Adirondack Education Center in Hudson Falls are planned for sale pending voter approval. The proceeds from the property sales would serve to offset the districts’ share of the project cost. 

What will happen to the new building at the end of the lease term?

WSWHE BOCES will have several options at the end of the lease. WSWHE BOCES will have first rights to all options. Assuming that the location continues to be the best location for our centers to be housed, WSWHE BOCES could negotiate terms of a new lease with the owner or consider any options that may be available to purchase the property following SED procedures.  

* Final costs could adjust as the project progresses through planning, design, and construction phases