School Improvement Services » Custom Services

Custom Services

custom services

In addition to the base service, custom work can be commissioned by participating districts for an additional charge. Quotes for custom work are based on the scope of the project and are determined prior to commencement of activities. Custom service work consists of district or school-specific projects and may include:

State Assessment Error Analyses
  • Investigate what areas of ELA Book 2 were the most difficult for students and what were the common errors.
  • Examine why students selected the wrong answer and what were the common errors in the Global History Regents exam.
Predictive Analyses
  • Determine what variables predict results on Regents exams.
  • Discover which students are more likely to dropout or graduate.
Formative Assessment/Psychometric Assistance
  • Guide assessment alignment activities.
  • Facilitate rubric and item development.
  • Provide validity and reliability assistance for classroom assessments.
Survey Construction and Analysis
  • Develop paper or on-line survey tools for planning or evaluation purposes.
  • Analyze qualitative and/or quantitative survey responses across multiple stakeholder groups.
Focus Group Facilitation
  • Collect parent perceptions of reading program.
  • Determine student perceptions of school climate.
Grading Practice Review
  • Investigate district grading practices as they relate to assessment and discuss report card or policy revisions.

Planning Facilitation
  • Assist in developing action plans based on district’s data analyses.

Evaluation Assistance
  • Lead grant evaluation as required by funding agency.
  • Determine effectiveness of instructional program or intervention.

Capacity Building
  • Assist in developing database formats for the collection, management, and analysis of student or district data.
Please contact us if you have any questions: