School Support Services

The School Support Services division offers a wide range of high-quality programs and services designed to assist our component school districts in enhancing instruction and improving student outcomes. We provide expertise and support in the areas of curriculum development, instructional practices, data analysis and reporting, assessment, technology integration, and professional development. We provide support to school districts by providing opportunities for continued professional growth, as well as access to resources and content that supports educational trends and research-based best practices.
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Our Communication Services department is a full-service public relations team that fulfills the communications/public relations/marketing goals and printing needs of component school districts and the BOCES. We employ a variety of tools to help districts communicate with all stakeholder groups.
The Model Schools Program offers a variety of centralized, in-district, and online workshops designed to help area educators integrate meaningful technology experiences into classroom instruction.
MultiMedia Services provides resources for teaching and learning. Different media formats accommodate a variety of student learning styles and are a necessary component for resource-rich learning experiences. Our professional media staff assists teachers with locating, evaluating and integrating media resources to prepare students for higher standards and more rigorous assessments.
The School Improvement Service is designed to support local school district efforts in the areas of professional development, curriculum development, instructional design, and school planning/organization. Using these four areas as vehicles for school improvement, the focus of the service is on assisting districts to implement NYSED initiatives, by providing evidence-based staff development programs.
Effective skills in data analysis and interpretation are essential to the development of school improvement plans leading to improved student achievement. This service is aimed at supporting school districts in collecting and analyzing various types of data to identify strengths and weaknesses at either the program level or student level.
The WSWHE School Library System empowers lifelong learners by: Providing vision, leadership, professional development, and other services; Facilitating access to all forms of quality information resources, and sharing best ideas and practices.
The Teacher and Leader Development Team will use their respective areas of expertise to assist districts with New York’s Regents Reform agenda.
The WSWHE BOCES School Support Services division offers a wide range of instructional technology services designed to assist member districts with all aspects of implementing technology initiatives. This includes the purchasing of instructional hardware and software, technology installation, network design and maintenance, security system and VOIP implementations and in-district technology support. The Learning Tech Department also hosts regular regional Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meetings for sharing of best practices among district technology leaders.