TSP | Therapeutic Support Program
The Therapeutic Support programs serve students in grades K through 12 who have struggled with behavioral, social and learning challenges in their home schools. Our 6:1:1 and 4:1:2 classes provide a more supportive academic and emotional environment for students to help them experience success and progress in school.
The goal of this program is to teach prosocial skills to support students' social and emotional development in conjunction with academics. Students are in a full day program with an academic schedule that meets NYS Regents requirements.
The Therapeutic Support Program provides a blend of behavioral health clinical interventions, in combination with Special Education instruction for students.
TSP enables seriously emotionally disturbed students to remain in the least restrictive, most stable, and normative living situation possible, while receiving special education and related services from a team of multi-disciplinary mental health and education professionals.
The Boys Town Specialized Classroom Management System is an integral part of the TSP programs. It provides students opportunities to learn social skills, incorporating a level motivation system and using a systematic way to address adaptive and maladaptive behavior. The program helps to increase students’ on-task behavior and help them acquire the skills needed for school and community success.
- Small class sizes (6:1:1 or 4:1:2 classrooms)
- Individual and group counseling along with crisis Interventionists
- Program wide social emotional curriculum & behavior support system
Curriculum Includes:
- NYS Learning Standards
- Regents aligned classes or options for classes aligned to the New York State Alternate Assessment
- Specially Designed Instruction utilizing an Explicit Instruction framework to maximize student success
- Integrated technology and support systems to help students make academic progress
- Options for Work-Based Learning and Career Exploration in MIddle and High School
- PE, Art, Spanish and Computer Science electives
- Individualization based on student Individualized Education Plan
Program Highlights:
- Small class sizes (6:1:1 or 4:1:2)
- Multi-Tiered System of Integrated supports for academics, behavior, and social and emotional learning
- Skills interventionists for crisis support to provide targeted skill teaching
- Strong focus on individual student needs and goals
- Opportunities to engage within a school and broader community
- Common language, expectations, and supports that are program wide
- All staff are trained in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention in School, as well as Boys Town Specialized Classroom Management
- Team approach and collaboration with outside agencies to support students and families
- BHSN clinical services available through referral
Students Completing the Program:
- Have a toolbox of prosocial skills they can use in their future
- Earn a High School Exiting Credential(s):
- Diploma (Local or Regents)
- Skills and Achievement Credential (SAAC)
- CDOS credential
- Work with a School Counselor and/or Transition Specialist to plan for life after graduation
- Gain confidence in their abilities
- Strengthen their academic and social skills
- Are prepared for college, career & community
TSP is offered at:
- Elementary (K-6): Sanford Street Teaching & Learning Center
- Middle & High School (7-12)
- F. Donald Myers Education Center
- Southern Adirondack Education Center